
Young Reporters for the Environment National Competition

Join the BREEF Young Reporters for the Environment programme by participating in the 2021 Young Reporters for the Environment National Competition! #givenatureavoice

For Registration and Entry submission details please visit

Entries are due by March 26, 2021. The winner will be announced during the BREEF Youth Environmental Leadership Summit (March 30-31).

Click here to view acceptance criteria

The Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme aims to empower students aged 11-25 to take a stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about and give them a platform to call attention to these issues through the media of writing, photography or video. There are more than 350,000 young reporters in 45 countries across the world. Through the Foundation of Environment Education, BREEF runs the YRE programme in The Bahamas.

BREEF is the National Operator for the Young Reporters for the Environment Programme in which is being supported by the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme.

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