Environmental students inspire community to “Invest in Our Planet” at BREEF Earth Day beach event

Nassau, Bahamas – The Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) commemorated Earth Day 2023 with a Beach Cleanup and poster competition on Delaporte Beach in Western New Providence. 

Photo 1: Students from St. Augustine’s College participate in Beach cleanup

This year’s Earth Day theme was “Invest in our planet” a message that encourages all sectors of society to be accountable in taking responsibility for the well-being of the planet and future generations. 

Over fifty students from across New Providence gathered at Delaporte Beach on West Bay Street where they were all able to participate as citizen scientists through the collection and reporting of trash along the shoreline. Students also took part in a poster competition.

Photo 2: Sandilands Primary student records trash data collection

The Earth Day event inspired students to take action through conservation activities as they worked with Youth Climate Ambassador and former BREEF BESS Scholar, Ashawnte Russell who participated and spoke about the importance of the compound effect of small actions, such as regular beach clean ups. “Little initiatives matter, beach cleanups, planting trees…these are the steps we will have to adopt in order to have our country for future generations.” 

Photo 3: St. Augustine’s College Students participate in beach cleanup. 

University of The Bahamas Environmental Club president, Makeda Serju shared that she was inspired by the event, explaining the events such as these are a great way to inspire our community.

“It  is important to clean our environment not just for the tourists but for the locals as well, and it encourages others to participate as well”. She continued, that “If we don’t invest in our planet now, we will definitely suffer later.”

Photo 4: Students participate in poster competition at Delaporte Beach

Minister of the Environment, The Hon. Vaughn  P. Miller  made an appearance at the event and spoke with students about the importance of their actions in preserving their environment. Also coming out to support students, Former Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for the Killarney Constituency, Dr. Hubert Minnis.

Photo 5: Minister of the Environment, Vaughn Miller poses with BREEF BESS Scholars Gayle Burrows (left) and Asia Butler (right) at BREEF Earth Day 2023 event. 

Photo 6: Former Prime Minister and Killarney MP Dr. Hubert Minnis (center) poses for a photo with BREEF BESS Scholars Gayle Burrows (left) and Asia Butler (right) at BREEF Earth Day 2023 event. 

Marine environmental education is essential, according to BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert who noted that The Bahamas is greatly affected by what happens in its waters.

“The Young Reporters for the Environment programme challenges young people to look at the ocean and the land around them, identify challenges and  solutions, and think about effective ways of communicating about what’s going on in the ocean around us,” she said.

Photo 7: Group photo of the participants at the Earth Day Beach Cleanup and Poster Competition

The Young Reporters for the Environment programme was launched in The Bahamas with the support of a grant from the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme. Additional support has been provided by Lombard Odier and Rolex to enable children around The Bahamas to get involved with the Young Reporters for the Environment programme.  A special thanks goes out to Bahamas Waste for their commitment and donation supporting BREEF’s work in promoting the conservation of the Bahamian marine environment, please visit or email for more information.

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Young reporters for the Environment National competition Winning Entry: Marine Pollution and its Effects in The Bahamas

-By Aiden Wilson-

-5-minute read-                                          

Marine pollution is a perpetual problem in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and as the years trickle on, this predicament is only getting worse. To put our feet down and quell the effects of pollution means that we will have to stop many facets. These include global warming, marine traffic, and oil spills. All of these factors are directly caused by anthropogenic impacts.

 The Bahamas is a country that is heavily dependent on its marine environments, it is imperative that we keep them as pristine as possible. If we were to completely disregard our natural resources in the sea, then that would advertently be the driving catalyst behind the deposition of the country. Thousands of people’s careers would cease to exist including fishermen, marine biologists, and anyone who uses the sea as a means of making a living. Additionally, The Bahamas’ dominant industry tourism, accounting for 51% of its GDP, would also suffer gravely if its main selling point, our reefs, and water were to be polluted.

The problem of marine pollution is caused and enhanced by humanity’s decisions, and will only get worse without proper education for all individuals.


“Photo of plastic in and around the Coral Harbour Canals shows the lack of respect people have for the environment.”

While out taking photos, there was trash strewn everywhere across the canals. It appears that these less frequented areas of Nassau have become a dumping ground for people who don’t want to take their trash to the dump. If we want to make any significant change for future generations, we need to teach future generations how to dispose of garbage. This has a major effect on fauna and flora life in The Bahamas. As shown in the picture above, this trash has accumulated on a mangrove. Mangrove forests are some of the most important and productive biomes on Earth. “These forests, at the land-sea interface, provide food, breeding grounds, and nursery sites for a variety of terrestrial and marine organisms, including many commercial species and juvenile reef fish.” (1) With plastics and other marine debris framing mangroves like this, terrestrial and marine species will be less inclined to use mangroves and possibly become trapped, decreasing fish biomass and suffocating mangroves. 

Secondly, chemical pollution is also a big factor. Personally, I think that Chemical pollution is much worse and can affect a larger area than physical pollution like trash.


“Photo of an oil spill by the Nassau Cruise Port possibly originating from a cruise ship.” 

Chemical pollution like the oil slick in the picture above can have devastating impacts on marine life, coral reefs, and even humans. Oil can go into a fish’s organs and render it inedible, and if someone were to consume it then they would get oil poisoning. “Oil poisoning has a myriad of symptoms such as seizures, difficulty breathing, and throat swelling.” (2) Additionally, oil spills can envelop coral reef systems and other marine plants like seaweed and seagrass. This has a devastating impact on the Bahamas because an oil spill can’t just be cleaned overnight. Even though on this occasion it wasn’t a large oil spill, the effects of this specific oil spill could be felt across our island for years to come.

Finally, neglect is another large part of pollution, especially infrastructure. When infrastructure is badly damaged or scraped, the remnants of the building pose a massive threat to marine life as well, indirectly causing harm.


“Photo of the old Stuart Cove Location, plenty of marine debris was in the water.”

Marine debris that is caused by neglect is a large problem in the Bahamas. A lot of infrastructure built by or on the sea poses a threat like the other two that were mentioned above. Chemical pollution can leak into the water and physical pollution can blow or fall into the water. Eventually, this structure is going to collapse, filling the entire canal with sharp metal and rotting wood, further polluting the already polluted canal.

In conclusion, marine pollution is extremely detrimental not only to the Bahamas but to the entire world as well. However in a country where looking your absolute best is a priority, one that caters to tourists, it is imperative that we keep our island clean and pristine. From a tourist’s point of view, an oil spill is an unpleasant sight. Who wants to see that on their vacation? For a country that prides itself on the cleanliness of its waters, we as Bahamians need to step forward and acknowledge that our country is quite dirty. By facing the problem directly we can educate future generations on the dangers of pollution and protect marine environments for marine flora and fauna to flourish.


  1. Carugati, L., Gatto, B., Rastelli, E., Lo Martire, M., Coral, C., Greco, S., & Danovaro, R. (2018). Impact of mangrove forests degradation on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 

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St John’s College kicks off Eco-Schools assessments in the capital in grand style

Nassau, Bahamas – The Eco-School Club at St. John’s College in New Providence received their third green flag on Monday, becoming the first Eco-School to be given the honor this year. The green flag is the top level award recognized as a global symbol of excellence in environmental education and practice. 

Students headed off the “Road to Green Flag” initiative with guidance from their teachers, organizing events and campaigns throughout the two-year span for the green flag renewal. Gardening, flora and fauna education, community cleanups, energy conservation and recycling were some of the ways students exercised sustainable practices on their school campus.

The green flag assessment is a part of BREEF’s Eco-Schools Programme that oversees the network of 43 recognized schools in The Bahamas. Schools that tick the boxes to qualify the eco-friendly criteria are awarded with the distinction of being a green flag school.

St John’s Eco-Schools Club member, and winner of BREEF’s 2022 Young Reporters for the Environment Competition, 12-year-old Eliana Bowe shared her excitement in being a part of the Eco-Schools Programme. 

“It’s good to learn more about the environment and try to give back to it rather than just enjoying it. This opportunity helps us to share our knowledge about the environment and also learn more about it,” she said. 

Raising awareness about sustainable practices like recycling and energy conservation are actions that many more students in the country can empower themselves by doing, according to 14-year-old Eco Club member, Teasia Munroe.

“We have to take the time to research and figure out what’s really going on. In the Eco Club it’s our duty to lead by example to educate others so they would know how they can help to make the country a better place,” she explained.

Biodiversity being one of the key parts of the green flag assessment, gardening and being able to identify different types of plants are a big part of the St. John’s Eco Club activities. After leading the garden tour, 13-year-old Eco-Club member, D’Anthen Rolle Davis said that in the future he hopes that all schools would engage students in programmes that promote sustainability.

“I think every school should join in on this programme because we learn about the big negative effects that the little things like throwing a paper on the floor can have in the long term.” He continued, “You have to know what’s happening in your environment and how you can help to save the world.”

The teachers sat back as students took the reins during the presentation, to be assessed by BREEF Eco-Schools National Operator, Kevin Glinton and Commonwealth Brewery Sustainability Manager Kendria Ferguson. The youngsters spoke about their collaborations with other school clubs that resulted in an increased level of awareness and Eco Club membership.

BREEF’s Eco-Schools Bahamas (ESB) network is spread over six islands and consists of 43 schools (18 government and 25 private schools). Since 2009 the BREEF has been running the ESB programme free of charge through the generous support of many BREEF donors including the Rolex Perpetual Planet Initiative. SJC is one of 14 Green Flag schools in the programme.

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Reproduce, Replenish, Restock

For 34 years, The Bahamas has enforced an annual closed season for the Caribbean Spiny Lobster – commonly known as crawfish. From April 1st to July 31st, crawfish are given the chance to reproduce and replenish their population, in return allowing Bahamian fishermen to restock on tasty crawfish tails once the season opens.


Confiscated female crawfish bearing eggs – Bahamas Department of Marine Resources

Crawfish mate throughout the summer months. When mating, the male passes a sperm packet to the female through an opening called the genital pore. The packet attaches to the underside of the female’s carapace and hardens. Once hardened, the packet is referred to as a black ‘tar spot’.

The female then releases bright orange eggs and fertilizes them with the sperm from the ‘tar spot’. When the eggs are fertilized, the female houses them beneath her abdomen. The eggs must remain attached to the female in order to hatch. 

Female crawfish can lay eggs several times in one season. The larger the female the more eggs she can lay.  A female with a 6’ tail can produce 285,000 eggs while a female with a 9’ tail can produce 860,000 eggs every time they spawn. 



Crawfish larvae are especially vulnerable within the first 6-8 months of life. During this time, they are floating as zooplankton in the open ocean and are often eaten by other tiny marine animals. This is also the time when they go through metamorphosis.

Once metamorphosis is complete, the juvenile crawfish begin to look more like adult crawfish. They then settle into nearshore areas such as mangrove creeks and seagrass beds.

Ensuring that crawfish are able to reproduce and that many of their offspring grow to maturity is very important. This is where closed seasons and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) play a crucial role. 

Closed seasons help ensure that during peak reproductive seasons, crawfish have a chance to reproduce. Effective MPAs serve as replenishment zones for crawfish by increasing the number of large adult crawfish. MPAs also improve the chances of mature crawfish finding each other to reproduce.

“Closed seasons and Marine Protected Areas assist in the efforts to preserve our marine ecosystems, ensuring fish for future generations to come.”

 – Allison Longley, Education and Outreach officer, BREEF


It is vital that crawfish get a chance to reproduce and replenish their population. They bring in millions of dollars to the economy every year and help support communities throughout the country.  A healthy population of crawfish is a good thing for The Bahamian economy.

“When we were trapping we used to do good. We caught a lot of crawfish and all of our bills got paid. A healthy population of crawfish is crucial to sustaining the crawfish industry.”

– Jacob Leroy Fox, Bahamian Fisherman for 30 years

Laws and guidelines were established to ensure that The Bahamas maintains a healthy population of crawfish. Some of the regulations pertaining to crawfish include:

  • The minimum harvestable size is 3¼” carapace length or 5½”  tail length.
  • A closed season: April 1st – July 31st
  • A permit is required for all vessels trapping crawfish
  • Crawfish traps must be wooden traps
  • The possession of ‘berried’ (egg-bearing) crawfish is prohibited.
  • The Sportsfishing (non-Bahamian or Bahamian resident) bag limit is 10 crawfish per vessel. 

See a complete list of Fisheries laws and regulations at

Responsible fishermen know and obey fishery regulations, respect closed seasons and respect the rules of Marine Protected Areas. They practice sustainable harvesting techniques and only buy and sell legal seafood.

April 1st marks the start of another closed crawfish season and we encourage everyone to adhere to the fishery regulations. By doing so, you are helping to preserve the next generation of crawfish in The Bahamas. 

Learn more by reading our crawfish guide for Bahamian schools.

For more information on fisheries regulations please visit and download the FishRules app for free on your android or iPhone today!

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Students Expose Marine Pollution during BREEF’s Photojournalism Workshop

Nassau, Bahamas – The Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) recently hosted a one-day workshop under the theme, “Exposing Marine Pollution”.

Photo 1: YRE student takes photo of discarded crawfish head during workshop.

Thirty students from senior high schools in New Providence gathered at Delaporte Beach on West Bay Street where they participated in hands-on activities and learned more about marine conservation.

The Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) event inspired students to gain knowledge through discussions with environmental and media professionals, who gave presentations on how to tell a story using photos, video, and writing.

Environmental Scientist Dr. Ancilleno Davis, Photographer Dominic Duncombe, Journalist Crystal Darling, and Videographer Ryan Farquharson fully engaged students throughout the day with presentations aimed at strengthening and developing their marine environmental reporting skills.

Photo 2: YRE Student Tomia Hamilton documents marine plastic pollution at Photojournalism Workshop 

CR Walker student, Santino Miller shared that he was inspired by the event, explaining that his heart is set on working in the field as a geologist someday.

“We learned that there are many different things that you can do in order to help with marine conservation; simply by not littering you can help a lot and I will explain this to my peers when I go to school,” he said.

Photo 3: Students of C.R. Walker Senior High School participated in a beach cleanup during the workshop.

“We learned the different ways to properly frame and take a photo,” another student, Iyah-Eden Rolle said. She continued, “We also did a beach cleanup which made me realize how much trash in our environment that we have to make an effort to properly clean.”

Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources Public Relations official Kandea Smith made a closing presentation outlining the importance of storytelling with students.

“At the ministry it is my departments’ job to tell a story of what the ministry is doing to improve the community” She continued.

“So BREEF was a perfect partner, giving us the opportunity to talk to the kids today about conservation, especially coral conservation; it’s a big part of what we do, we tell stories almost every day,” Smith expressed.

Environmental education is essential, according to BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert who noted that as an archipelagic nation, The Bahamas is greatly affected by what happens in its waters.

Photo 4: Group photo of the participants at the Young Reporters for the Environment workshop

“The Young Reporters for the Environment programme challenges young people to look at the ocean and the land around them, identify challenges and also think about solutions and think about effective ways of communicating about what’s going on in the ocean around us,” she said.

BREEF is the National Operator for the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme in The Bahamas. The global programme aims to empower students aged 11-25 to take a stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about and give them a platform to call attention to these issues through the media of writing, photography, or video. There are more than 350,000 young reporters in 45 countries across the world. 

The YRE workshop was made possible through the support of the Rolex Perpetual Planet initiative, Lombard Odier & Cie (Bahamas) Ltd. and the Sean Connery Foundation.

BREEF “Exposing Marine Pollution” Workshop

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Celebrating the Life of Mallory Raphael

Our Mermaid Mallory had a deep love of the ocean and a passion for sharing it with everyone she came into contact with. 

She was an integral member of the BREEF team. Her caring and love for both her coral “babies” and students was beautiful. 

Mallory Raphael was the Research and Environmental Education Officer at BREEF. Her work predominantly focused on the deployment and monitoring of the BREEF Sir Nicholas Nuttall Coral Reef Sculpture Garden and establishing the BREEF Staghorn Coral nursery. She mentored scholars in the Bahamas Environmental Steward Scholars (BESS) programme and trained them in coral restoration at the sculpture garden.

Mallory also represented BREEF while heading up the Bahamas production team for the film, Chasing Coral.

Her BREEF family will miss her greatly. 

Mallory standing proud in front of “Ocean Atlas” alongside Eugenie Nuttall, Willicey Tynes and Andret John.
Mallory and her students heading out to snorkel the coral reef.
Mallory diving at the BREEF Sir Nicholas Nuttall Coral Reef Sculpture Garden.
Mallory taking care of her coral “babies” at BREEF’s coral nursery.
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Overfishing and Species Endangerment in The Bahamas

Letter to the Editor

BESS Scholars 2022-2023

Asia Butler BESS Scholar 2022-2023

Hello! My name is Asia Butler, a 17 year old graduate from Harbour Island All Age School, Harbour Island, Eleuthera and one of the BREEF Bahamas Environmental Steward scholars for 2022-2023.

Overfishing and the illegal catch of juvenile fish has been an ongoing issue for the past decade, and has forced the Bahamian government to put a much needed closed season on certain culturally vital marine species such as the Nassau Grouper and Spiny lobster (Crawfish). Unfortunately, even after this law was passed, quite a number of fishermen continue to disregard fisheries regulations and continue to fish during these closed seasons. As a result the populations of these species are rapidly declining. 

Sadly even our Queen Conch is suffering the same fate. Many fishermen still harvest juvenile conchs for sale, simply because it is difficult to find any legal conchs due to the decline in population as a result of juvenile overfishing. Many Bahamian fishermen still harvest conch based on the size of the shell rather than the correct methodology, which measures lip thickness to indicate sexual maturity. Subsequently, with this rapid population decline fishermen can only find very few juvenile conches. Ultimately the reality is that fishermen would prefer to harvest the juvenile conchs to avoid a waste of their time and resources.

Moving forward, if Fisheries Regulations were properly followed and enforced, I believe that the population of The Queen Conch, The Nassau Grouper, and Spiny Lobster (Crawfish) would start to be replenished and fishermen would see an increase in their catch as long as they are harvested sustainably. Coupled with the expansion of protected areas where these species frequently breed, these populations of key species may have a chance of survival. In this way, they would have ample opportunity to reproduce and rebuild a steady population to sustain not only themselves, but a future for the culture and heritage of The Bahamas.

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Destruction of Wetlands in The Bahamas

Letter to the Editor

BESS Scholars 2022-2023

Gayle Burrows BESS Scholar

My name is Gayle Burrows, an 18 year old Environmental activist and one of the 2022-2023 BREEF Bahamas Environmental Steward scholars. This program assists young Bahamians in learning about how to conserve the marine and coastal environment around them. Living in The Bahamas for most of my life, I have gotten to experience the changes and the new infrastructure that has been implemented every few years or so. Although industrialization is key to the tourism industry that our country thrives off of, it is extremely detrimental to our mangroves and to our wetland ecosystems.

Due to this there is a direct correlation to where mangrove wetlands used to be flourishing and where communities and institutions now stand that experience increased flooding events due to reduced coastline protection. There then is the never ending complaint of “why is there so much flooding in this area?”. After many researchers studied, they all concluded the removal of these wetlands also hinders the natural protection that wetlands offer from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, with which The Bahamas is very familiar.

Additionally, when wetlands such as these are removed to make way for construction fish populations our economy and subsistence fishermen rely on decline significantly. Many juvenile fish species, such as snappers, bonefish, barracudas, etc., rely on mangroves in their early stages of life. 

So when will enough be enough? When will the government realize that wetlands are needed not only to protect Bahamians but to protect our land, our home? Nothing will change if people are not bold enough to speak up and address these problems. I encourage young people and persons of all ages to speak out and continue to educate themselves about our environment in an effort to build a better Bahamas for all of us. 

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Photo 1: Man-O-War Primary School, Abaco, 5th Green Flag

BREEF’s Eco-Schools Bahamas (ESB) National Operator, Kevin Glinton, travelled to Abaco and Grand Bahama last week to resume onsite ESB Green Flag renewal assessments of the Eco-Schools programme.   Abaco’s Every Child Counts, Forest Heights Academy, Hope Town Primary School, Man-O-War Primary School, Freeport’s Bishop Michael Eldon School, and Lucaya International School were all successful in renewing their Green Flag status.  

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is recognized globally as a symbol of excellence for environmental education and practice and is renewed every two years.

Photo 1: Man-O-War Primary School Grade 3 student Titus Reckley proudly displaying a recycle bottle cap collected during the Global Action Week scavenger hunt and the nature walk. 

ESB National Steering Committee members Nakira Wilchombe, and Rashema Ingraham of Keep Grand Bahama Clean conducted assessments in Grand Bahama.  And Lianna Burrows and Lyndeisha Curry of Abacos’ Friends of the Environment evaluated schools in the Abacos.

According to Man -O-War Primary School 8-year-old Grade 3 student, Titus Reckley, “I feel great because this is my first time being here to receive a Green Flag. We worked hard to achieve our 5th Green Flag. Eco Club has helped me learn to care for my environment and taught me how to plant seeds. Eco Club has been very helpful for my peers, and I enjoy the Eco Schools Programme. I can’t wait to start new projects!” 

“It’s a perfect example that small numbers can still do great things and benefit a community. I’m extremely proud of our small school on Man-O-War Cay making a difference internationally. I like that it instils the importance, understanding, and skills in sustainability- especially growing your own natural foods,” said Mrs. Charmaine Albury, Teacher, and Eco-Committee Member.

“This programme has allowed students, staff and community to increase their love for the environment and be more aware of their actions.” – Miss Tanesha Saunders, Man-O-War Primary 

Eco-Schools Coordinator.  

Accepting the award on behalf of her school and community, Mrs. Deborah Clarke, Man-O-War Primary’s Principal stated, “The children’s commitment to reducing waste, conserving energy, and practices promoting healthy living is commendable.  ‘Let’s Go Green Bahamas!’  The changes that are made today will make a better Bahamas for us tomorrow.”  

Photo 2: Every Child Counts, 5th Green Flag

Ms. Ellen Hardy, Eco-Schools Coordinator at Every Child Counts, said, “Environmental education is the key to success.  Once we established our Action Plan, we were able to involve all the students and teachers in reaching our goals making this a school wide project.  Qualifying for our 5th Green Flag is something all of us at ECC are very proud of.”

Elated Intermediate ECC ECO Committee member, Raymond said. “The Green Flag reminds me of green smoothies. It means the drink is healthy. The Green Flag means a healthy school.” 

Photo 3: Hope Town Primary School proudly display their 6th consecutive Green Flag

In additional to being awarded its sixth consecutive Green Flag award, Hope Town Primary School received the Eco-Schools Bahamas Certificate of Merit for “For outstanding contribution to the Eco-Schools Bahamas programme, achieving six consecutive Green Flag awards, and showing commitment towards Excellence in Environmental Education and Environmental Stewardship in the school and the wider community.”  

Photo 4: Forest Heights Academy’s 5th Green Flag

During their rebuilding after hurricane Dorian, Forest Heights Academy included the installation of solar panels to reduce their carbon footprint and dependence on fossil fuels.  Rotchenska Alexie, FHA grade 11 student, and Eco-club vice president said, “I joined Eco Club at my school so I could help inspire children to engage in important environmental projects and activities.”  According to Mrs. Lindsey Rees, FHA Eco-club coordinator, “In the reopening and rebuilding of FHA this year, I am thrilled that in our projects we achieved our 5th Green Flag.  It’s wonderful to see the Green Flag fly again to serve as a reminder to the students to carry out the values and eco-practices we try to implement.”

Reflecting on BREEF’s 30th anniversary this year, and ESB programme’s contribution to BREEF’s mission, Executive Director, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert, said, “These young people are an inspiration to others around the country and around the world as they embrace sustainability in our island nation and put their new-found knowledge into action to protect the land and the sea in their own communities.” 

Photo 5: Lucaya International School

Photo 6: Bishop Michael Eldon School

Rihanna Smith, Grade 12, Bishop Michael Eldon School stated, “Being a member of the Eco-Schools program has helped me to gain a better understanding on environmental issues and creating innovative solutions for them. The renewal of my school’s green flag validates our commitment and work and motivates me to continue to pursue change in my nation.”

“Achieving the Green flag status is both an honour and a privilege to us as a school. It strengthens our commitment to provide our students an avenue to take an active role in protecting our environment,” said Mrs. Selim-Dela Peña, BMES, Eco-Schools coordinator.

ESB National Operator, Kevin Glinton said, “I am extremely proud of all the Eco-Schools in Abaco and Grand Bahama for their outstanding resilience in sustaining the Eco-Schools programme despite the two major setbacks of the last three years; hurricane Dorian and the pandemic.”

To date, BREEF’s ESB network is spread over six islands and consists of 18 government and 25 private schools. Since 2009 the BREF has been running the ESB programme free of charge through the generous support of many BREEF donors including The Sean Connery Foundation and the Rolex Perpetual Planet Initiative.  To learn more about BREEF’S Eco-Schools Bahamas programme and its work in promoting the conservation of the Bahamian marine environment, please visit 

Eco-Schools Bahamas – BREEF or email

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Photo 1: Eco-Schools Workshop Participants 

The Bahamas, the Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) hosted 40 educators from around the archipelago for in-person (and in-water) Eco-Schools Bahamas Coordinators workshop. The workshop theme was “Reducing Environmental Pollution in The Bahamas” and was supported by one of the first grants made by the newly established Sean Connery Foundation. The first day of the two-day workshop was held at the New Providence Community Centre and brought together educators, partners, and speakers from Abaco, Andros, Grand Bahama, Eleuthera, Exuma, and New Providence for to improve and expand their respective programmes designed to inspire students toward excellence in environmental stewardship.

“The BREEF Eco-Schools workshop was very informative and very well organized. It is exciting to be bringing the Eco-Schools program back to Abaco as we continue to recover from Hurricane Dorian,” said Jim Richard, Principal at Abaco’s Forest Heights Academy.

The keynote address was given by Mr. Arana Pyfrom, Senior Environmental Officer at the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection.  Other guest speakers included representatives from the New Providence Ecology Park, the Bahamas Wildlife Enforcement Network, Keep Grand Bahama Clean and Family Medical Centre.  The workshop culminated with a hands-on experience led by the BREEF outreach team.

A couple of men posing for a photo

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Photo 2: Kevin Glinton, National Operator, Eco-Schools Bahamas (Left) and Durona Joseph (Right), Teacher at Hope Town Primary School, Abaco receiving a copy of Bahamas Underwater at the workshop.

According to Beth Hall, coordinator at St. Andrew’s International School, “It was so wonderful to be able to come together again after what felt like such a long time! I always come away with a lighter heart and mind after hearing about the fantastic work our students have going on in our fellow Eco-Schools. It is an excellent opportunity to share ideas and network with fellow Eco warriors of the environment and invited guests. Thank you BREEF for another engaging workshop.”

BREEF’s Eco-Schools Bahamas programme is part of the largest global sustainable student-led school initiative, with Eco-Schools in over 70 countries.  Currently, The Bahamas’ network consists of 40 schools spread over six islands with a student population totalling more than 17,672 children.  BREEF has been running the Eco-Schools Bahamas programme since 2009.

“With the support of the Connery Foundation, BREEF brought educators from around the Bahamian archipelago together to help inspire students toward excellence in environmental stewardship and ocean literacy, and to expand the Eco-Schools programme to more schools,” said BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert.

Speaking about the success of the workshop Kevin Glinton said, “Every year, the Eco-Schools Bahamas network jumpstarts the new academic year of student-led environmental activities by coming together to share, learn and develop strategies to engage students in fun-filled actions to protect our Bahamian ecosystems. After two years of virtual meeting, we finally met in-person. I am truly thankful to all who attended especially, the many new coordinators and schools from the Family Islands and New Providence interested in joining the Eco-Schools Bahamas programme.”

Speaking about her organization’s efforts to assist the Grand Bahama Eco-Schools with their goals, Nakira Wilchcombe, workshop speaker, and Keep Grand Bahama Clean executive, said, “I truly enjoyed the workshop and all of the presentations. Hats off to the BREEF team for the excellent work, and I hope we can meet some of our goals by the end of the year.”

“The 2022 Eco-Schools Bahamas Coordinators Workshop was a worthwhile and encouraging experience. It was an honour to be present at such an eco-friendly event with information and goals that are aligned with the needs of our school. It also presented an opportunity for communion and collaboration amongst schools that already have the Green Flag,” said Johnette Ferguson-Morris, coordinator at C. R. Walker Senior High School.

Photo 3: Durona Joseph, Teacher, Hope Town Primary School, Abaco (L), TeShalla Clarke ESB National Committee Member & BREEF volunteer (2nd L), Teedra Minnis- Hinsey, Teacher, Fresh Creek Primary School, 

Andros (2nd R), and Jim Richards, Principal, Forest Height Academy, Abaco exploring the underwater environment as a living classroom at Saunders Beach on Day 2 of the workshop

Photo 4:  Students learn about the importance of protecting ocean ecosystems during the public snorkel events.

Vernelle L. Carey, Master Teacher at Abaco’s Every Child Counts school said, “ The workshop was such an educational and information filled day, I wished all our teachers could experience the event. It is a rare occasion when every presenter gives a topical and thought-provoking presentation. Then the icing on the cake and absolute highlight for me was the snorkelling session at Saunders Beach on Saturday morning.  The BREEF Outreach team greeted me with such confidence, I had no qualms about it being my first formal snorkelling experience. Even the rainy weather and murky waters could dampen my delight and sense of accomplishment. Thanks to the BREEF team for an exceptionally informative, thought-provoking, fun-packed two days.”

The workshop was made possible through the generous support of the Sean Connery Foundation and the Rolex Perpetual Planet Initiative.  To learn more about BREEF’s Eco-Schools Bahamas Programme and its work in promoting the conservation of the Bahamian marine environment, please visit or email

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