BREEF Young Reporters for the Environment Workshop

In preparation for the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) National Competition, over 30 young environmental stewards sharpened their storytelling skills at BREEF’s Environmental Journalism Workshop at the New Providence Community Centre.

This year’s theme was “Young Voices for Conservation”. Participants delved into photography, videography, and writing to craft impactful narratives about our environment. 📸🎥✍️

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BREEF Hosts Extreme Hangout Bahamas, Climate Change Student Workshop

March 8th 2024 – Under the theme, “Fossil Fuel Free Bahamas: Building a Climate Resilient Future,” the Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) held its first ever Extreme Hangout Bahamas event in the St. John’s College Auditorium.

Extreme Hangouts are platforms for focusing on climate change, aiming to amplify the voices of young changemakers, popularise the climate movement, and ignite environmental action. Recognizing that young people and underrepresented communities often lack opportunities to engage in formal climate negotiations, EXTREME, a purpose-driven adventure brand has dedicated itself to providing a seat at the table.

The one-day workshop brought together 10th to 12th graders from various schools in New Providence, Grand Bahama and Cat Island. Participants engaged in discussions and activities which highlighted the significance of conservation and sustainability. They explored topics such as the risks of oil drilling, coral bleaching, and the impacts of climate change on The Bahamas as a coastal nation. Over 150 participants, including 70 students selected by their schools based on their passion for the environment and sustainability attended. The event highlighted the importance of environmental sustainability and environmental education.

During his remarks at the event, Prime Minister Philip Davis explained that advocacy for small island developing states like The Bahamas is crucially important saying, “We must also lead the way by adopting a cleaner, more environmentally friendly way of life. The government recognises the important role it plays as we transition our islands to renewable forms of energy like solar.” He continued, “As young leaders, you have the power to promote conservation, to advance climate justice, and to effect change and we all have individual contributions we can make as well.”

BREEF Young Reporter for the Environment and St John’s Student, Orico Thelusmar interviews Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Students also had the chance to interact with local experts and professionals in the conservation field, discussing strategies to promote youth advocacy, healthy oceans, and actions to combat climate change. St. John’s Student, Orico Thelusmar, a member of the St. John’s Eco-Club and a new Young Reporter for the Environment, had an opportunity to interview the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis writes Pledge to the Ocean, “I pledge to advocate for laws to protect our oceans.”

The workshop featured diverse speakers, including Rashema Ingraham, Executive Director of Waterkeepers Bahamas; Minister of the Environment Vaughn Miller, Kishan Munroe, University of The Bahamas Chair of Communications and Creative Arts & BREEF Board Member; Steffon Evans, Assistant Director of the Organization for Responsible Governance; Ashawnté Russell, and Stephen Hunter, Bahamas Youth Climate Ambassadors 2023/2024, and Heather Brockbank, BREEF Outreach Officer. Nikita Shiel-Rolle, CEO of Cat Island Conservation Institute and Young Marine Explorers moderated the event and engaged students as presenters covered topics from “The Impact of CO2 & Fossil Fuels” to “Policy & Advocacy” participating students shared their perspectives on climate change impacts and suggested ways for the country to move toward more sustainable options for energy.

BREEF Bahamas Environmental Steward Scholar, Christopher Clarke explains anatomy of the Queen Conch with Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Commenting on the “United Voices for our Planet” panel discussion, Government High School student Dion Walkine said, “Listening to them, I was motivated because they are not that much older than us and they are talking about topics that are familiar to us. I feel as if I can one day see myself on that stage discussing the same climate change issues.”

Another student, Xaria Ingraham, a Waterkeepers Cadet from Grand Bahama and student from Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Academy, said, “I really liked connecting with and seeing so many other kids my age who care about the environment and want to help protect it.”

During the event students posted their “Pledges to the Ocean” on a bulletin board. C.R. Walker student Jayden Pratt wrote, “I pledge to spread the word about climate change and how it affects the ocean, to increase public awareness.” The Prime Minister pledged to “advocate for laws to protect our oceans”.

Akhepran International Academy Students pose for a photo with BREEF’s queen angelfish and Stanley the Shark

Students and teachers used the interactive sessions to learned more about BREEF’s Young Reporters for the Environment and Bahamas Environmental Stewardship Scholars programmes and explored careers in sustainable tourism. Students also participated in a coral restoration activity highlighting a critical tool for addressing threats faced by corals from warming waters, and took part in a simulated oil spill clean up. BREEF provided environmental education resources for teachers to utilize in their classrooms.

Government High School Science teacher Irwinique McKenzie said, “My students found the workshop both educational and interactive, and were particularly excited about the hands-on experiences.”

BREEF is extremely grateful for the commitment of St. John’s College and the St. John’s Eco-club, Extreme Hangout International, guest speakers, partners and volunteers who remain resolute in supporting initiatives like this one which inspire future generations of environmental stewards.

Prime Minister Philip Davis greets students from Cat Island Arthur’s Town Comprehensive School

“BREEF is pleased to collaborate with Extreme Hangout International to host this workshop bringing together students from across the archipelago who are committing to ending our dependence on fossil fuels, and helping The Bahamas take the necessary action to be recognised around the world as a climate leader” stated BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert “In The Bahamas, a healthy marine environment is essential to sustaining our lives and way of life.”

BREEF Board Member, and Extreme Hangout International Founder, Amber Nutall said, “It was nothing short of a great privilege and personal joy to attend the first Extreme Hangout Local in the Bahamas. The energy, curiosity and determination were palpable amongst the attending students and all who spoke,” thanking everyone for their contributions in making the event a success.

Students from C.I. Gibson, Lyford Cay International, Akhepran International and Bahamas Global Academy schools learn how to make a coral propagation unit 

Nutall also expressed gratitude for the Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis’ attendance, “Having the Prime Minister so engagingly participate for me drove home not only the increased awareness amongst senior officials globally as to the threats faced today by our human family but also the opportunity to together create the future of our dreams requiring not only heap fulls of hard work and collaboration but also reconnection, healing and ultimately gifting us all the opportunity of personal and planetary health,” she said.

BREEF is grateful to The Moore Foundation, Primat Foundation, Our Islands Our Future and Builders Initiative for their support of the Extreme Hangout Bahamas event.

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Extreme Hangout | Bahamas

BREEF united young voices for the Environment in a unique student workshop, Extreme Hangout Bahamas!

🌊 Students had captivating discussions, and participated in interactive activities, and hears from inspiring presentations to deepen their understanding of marine conservation, climate change, and sustainability.

🐠 Students connected with like-minded peers from Grand Bahama, Cat Island, and New Providence as we embarked on an exciting journey to protect our oceans and marine life.

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The Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) in partnership with The Bahamas Wildlife Enforcement Network (BahWEN) and the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) hosted its fifth week-long Marine Conservation Workshop from the 15th to 19th January 2024, at the HMBS Coral Harbour Base. The long-term objectives of the environmental education workshop are to promote collaboration and partnerships between law enforcement agencies and build awareness and capacity around conserving our Bahamian marine environment and its resources. 

During the workshop, 20 participants from BahWEN, RBDF, the Departments of Marine Resources, Customs and Immigration, the University of The Bahamas and the Bahamas National Trust

engaged in a week of enriching experiences. This included presentations on Plastic Pollution, Climate Change, Invasive Species and CITES- the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna. Additionally, the agenda featured comprehensive discussions on fisheries regulations presented by specialists from Environmental NGOs and the Department of Marine Resources, highlighting some of the science that underpins the fisheries regulations. Participants engaged in daily marine organism identification in the classroom that was reinforced in the field. 

“BREEF is pleased to collaborate with BahWEN and the RBDF to host this workshop bringing together a variety of law enforcement personnel who all have a critical role to play protecting our marine heritage.,” stated BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert “As an archipelago a healthy marine environment is essential to sustaining our lives and way of life.”

Bonefish and Tarpon Trust Bahamian Mangrove Creeks Bahamas Initiative Coordinator Nina Sanchez shared about Bonefish:  These workshops provide an incredible opportunity for conservation organisations to collaborate with law enforcement agencies.” She continued, “This week, we had discussions surrounding the economic importance of the bonefish industry. Annually, this catch and release industry generates approximately $169 million dollars in The Bahamas. Conversations like this between agencies will continue to play an important role in the protection of our vast marine resources here in the Bahamas.”

According to Commander Desiree Corneille, Lead Designate for the Bahamas Wildlife Enforcement Network (BahWEN), “The 5th annual BREEF/BahWEN Marine Conservation Workshop for Law Enforcement Officers are a vital force multiplier, empowering members of our respective law enforcement agencies with knowledge and awareness that aids in protecting our coastal areas and oceans. This is important for them to truly understand the science behind the policies and laws as we are all working towards ensuring a sustainable future.”

RBDF Senior Lieutenant Danielle Morley said, “The successful completion of this workshop leaves our nation one step closer to harmony between our beautiful Bahamaland and its people as more officers become equipped with the skills to aid in conservation of our natural resources.”

Throughout the week, participants also seized the opportunity to engage in a beach cleanup activity along with other field activities such as educational snorkels at BREEF’s Underwater Coral Reef Sculpture Garden and Coral Nursery, Bonefish Pond and Saunders Beach, and engaged in fins-on learning about the diverse marine ecosystems in The Bahamas.

RBDF Chief Petty Officer Denise Oliver commented, “It was strategic including several of our Training Instructors and we enjoyed learning about the importance of marine habitats and various marine species in a way we had never learned about them before. We look forward to making this a staple within our training offerings.”

According to BahWEN Able Seaman Donald Neely, “BREEF MCW has impacted me deeply, igniting a spark that inspires me on my journey to becoming a marine scientist.”

Another participant, Elkeno Major, an officer from The Bahamas Immigration Department said that the workshop was an eye-opening experience, “It was amazing to find out that things like mangroves that we see everyday have such a great and understated impact on us and our environment.”

This series of Marine Conservation Workshops provide law enforcement personnel with practical experience in Coastal Ecology, Marine Conservation, and Laws to empower participants to monitor and enforce marine resources regulations more effectively. This fifth workshop was made possible through the generous support of the Bonefish Tarpon & Trust, Moore Bahamas Foundation, Builders Initiative, Primat Foundation and the Mactaggart Third Fund.  

BREEF staff and Marine Conservation Workshop participants take part in a coordinated Beach Cleanup near the RBDF Coral Harbour Base
Participants document debris found during beach cleanup
Officers dive off vessel into BREEF’s underwater Coral Reef Sculpture Garden and Coral Nursery
 BREEF Education Coordinator, Kevin Glinton gives MCW Fisheries presentation at RBDF Training Centre
BREEF Executive Director, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert leads MCW group snorkel at Bonefish Pond 
MCW attendees participate in a mangrove snorkel at Bonefish Pond National Park
Snorkeler uses Fish ID slate to identify marine species during Saunders Beach Snorkel
MCW participants prepare for a snorkel at Saunders Beach
All participants received certificates for attending BREEF’s Marine Conservation Workshop at the closing ceremony on Friday afternoon. (L-R) Commander AG Desiree Corneille (BahWEN), Casuarina McKinney-Lambert (BREEF Executive Director), CPO William Burns (BahWEN, Participant), Captain Glen McPhee (RBDF, HMBS Coral Harbour), Kevin Glinton (BREEF Education Coordinator), Senior Lieutenant Themo Berkeley (RBDF Base First Lieutenant)
MCW Participants, Facilitators, BahWen Commander AG Desiree Corneille (6th left), Capt. Glen McPhee of HMBS Coral Harbour (7th left), BREEF Exec. Dir. Casuarina McKinney-Lambert
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Student Partners with BREEF in Clothing Sustainability Initiative

Benjamin Shear, an 11-year-old Kings College student, originally came up with the idea to upcycle clothes as a school project. Ben’s UpCycle initiative,, has swiftly evolved into an innovative online marketplace for upcycled clothing with all proceeds raised supporting the Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF).

Shear shared that his inspiration for this initiative came from learning about the severe negative impacts of clothing waste. “When I studied the effects of fashion on the environment and our oceans I was truly shocked at the devastation that textiles cause. I wanted to use my passion for technology to help create a way to promote sustainability in our community. Aligning myself with BREEF seemed like a natural choice,” he said.

UpCycling is defined as repurposing materials, such as clothing and shoes, which would have otherwise been thrown in the trash, contributing to more waste. The initiative actively encourages individuals to make sustainable choices in their clothing. Instead of continuously purchasing new clothing, people can declutter their closets, find local lightly-used clothing, or both.

UpCycle customers may donate children’s clothing, or shop at for gently used clothing. All proceeds from each purchase is donated to The Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF). BREEF is an organisation established in 1993 to address threats to The Bahamian marine environment, and was recently recognised as National Youth Organisation of the Year.

BREEF Executive Director, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert noted: “I’m so impressed how Ben has transformed a school project into meaningful action for conservation and sustainability.”

Young entrepreneur Benjamin Shear has committed to allocating funds raised from UpCycle to marine conservation because he recognizes The Bahamas’ heavy reliance on the ocean for economic, cultural, and various aspects of livelihood and well-being.

“My hope is not only to raise money for the organisation,” Shear said, “but I hope that by giving these clothes new life, we will aid in decreasing the amount of items that pollute our oceans and encourage people to shop sustainably”.

To learn more about UpCycle please visit and for information on how you can support more of BREEF’s marine conservation initiatives, please visit

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BREEF Film Wins Kids N’ Film Festival Award for Best Documentary

The compelling documentary, “My Island My Future,” produced by Eleutheran students Taryn McKinney-Lambert and Kieon Sands, clinched the top spot in the ‘Best Documentary’ category at the Kids N’ Film Festival in California. This win marks the second award for the film this year, as it continues to make its impact on the global stage.

The Kids N’ Film Festival celebrates the creative endeavours of youth worldwide, showcasing family-friendly films that inspire, entertain, and provoke thought, regardless of background or ethnicity. 

The film features videos of snorkelers in south Eleuthera

The short “My Island, My Future” film was inspired by the “Our Islands Our Future” campaign, which addresses the perils of oil drilling in The Bahamas. As an archipelago heavily reliant on its marine resources, any threat to the ocean poses a direct risk to the livelihoods of Bahamians. “Our Islands, Our Future” is a devoted collective of Bahamian and international advocates committed to safeguarding the nation’s waters. 

The film was made two years ago, when 12-year-old Taryn initiated the project, penning a letter to former Prime Minister, Hon. Hubert Minnis, expressing her determination to raise awareness about a cause that was important to her as a young Bahamian.

Taryn McKinney-Lambert in “My Island, My Future” short film

The renowned Bahamian film director Kareem Mortimer lent his expertise to the project, which was filmed on the picturesque Bahamian island of Eleuthera. He said that he was excited for the opportunity to collaborate with the young, passionate environmental advocates.

“I am happy to support the next generation of filmmakers and storytellers in the best way I can. 

“All the credit is deserving to the young filmmakers that wanted to tell their story. All I did was provide support,” Mortimer said. 

Taryn McKinney-Lambert and Kieon Sands pull sailboat ashore

Taryn devoted several days to crafting the script, with the following film production demanding additional time and effort. Reflecting on the process, the South Eleutheran resident recalled,

“It was a lot of work to make a very short film and I gained a better appreciation of what goes into filmmaking after this experience.”

Taryn and Kieon, both students of Deep Creek Middle School at the time, formed a partnership through shared hours of discussions on environmental conservation and marine life during school projects. Their school has long been active in the Eco-Schools Bahamas programme that BREEF has been leading since 2009.

“We both really cared about the things that we are talking about in the video and about our island; and we shared a lot of experiences and an appreciation for the ocean,” Taryn explained.

Ariel image of sailboaters in South Eleuthera

The coalition that endorsed the film, “Our Islands, Our Future,” is a group of local and international organizations championing Bahamians dedicated to safeguarding their heritage and economic sustenance from the threat of oil drilling. Together, they advocate for an enduring prohibition on oil drilling in The Bahamas

To learn more about how you can get involved in BREEF’s marine education programmes,
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BREEF Honoured with 2023 National Youth Award for “Youth Organization of the Year”

(L-R) BREEF (BESS) Intern Maya Lindeman, Operations Officer Nicola Fernander, Grant & Project Manager Nadia Pinder-Morris, Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert, Education Co-ordinator Kevin Glinton, Outreach Officer 1 Heather Brockbank, Communications Officer Crystal Darling-Sargent

The Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) proudly received the 2023 National Youth Award for “Youth Organization of the Year” at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture’s 37th annual ceremony.

This prestigious honour coincides with BREEF’s 30-year anniversary of dedicated marine conservation efforts, amplifying the significance of the accolade. 

Hon. Mario Bowleg, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, underscored the importance of these awards, which are given during national youth month, to celebrate exceptional achievements and pay tribute to those who have consistently demonstrated excellence in their respective areas.

Under the theme “Youth Excellence is the Standard,” this year’s awards highlight the remarkable contributions of individuals and youth organizations to the nation.

Over the past three decades, BREEF has been at the forefront of equipping educators with vital marine conservation and sustainability knowledge through teacher training workshops, training the trainers and supporting the next generation of environmental stewards. 

Schools across the Commonwealth of The Bahamas have the opportunity to participate in BREEF’s Eco Schools Bahamas programme and attain Green Flag status, striving for excellence in environmental action and education, and joining an international network in 68 countries around the world. 

BREEF’s multifaceted youth initiatives include summer sea camps, community snorkels, beach cleanups, a youth environmental reporting programme, and conservation competitions, all tailored to empower and engage young people in environmental preservation.

The Bahamas Environmental Steward Scholars (BESS) programme stands as a testament to BREEF’s commitment to nurturing local young aspiring environmentalists. This scholarship, offered in collaboration with the Cape Eleuthera Island School,  has provided comprehensive training for numerous Bahamian scholars, many of whom have gone on to make significant contributions to the field of marine conservation and island sustainability.

BREEF gratefully accepts this national award with unwavering commitment to advancing the conservation of the Bahamian marine environment that sustains the Bahamian way of life.

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2023 Eco-School Coordinators Workshop Photo Gallery

Venue: New Providence Community Centre, Blake Road

Theme: Advancing Climate Resilience in The Bahamas

Date: Friday, 6th October 2023

Time: 8:30 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Under the theme Advancing Climate Resilience in The Bahamas

BREEF hosted our annual Eco-Schools workshop under the theme “Advancing Climate Resilience in The Bahamas”. Eco-School coordinators from around the country attended the 2-day event. 

Participants heard from Key Speakers in the environmental sector about advancing climate resilience in The Bahamas and explored different modules that teachers can implement into their own Eco-Schools. 

Prime Minister, Hon. Phillip Davis spoke on The Bahamas’ advancements for a greener future for the country and spoke on the immediate need for climate action in light of this year’s record temperatures.

“Whether we adopt lifestyle changes, spread awareness, or engage in advocacy, we can all make strides toward achieving a more sustainable future,” Davis said.

Teachers enjoyed learning from one another as they sought to implement more sustainable practices in their Eco-Schools.

The fun continued on Saturday October 7th, at our 30th Anniversary Public Snorkel on Clifton Heritage National Park at the BREEF Coral Reef Sculpture Garden. Eco-Schools teachers and the public, had the opportunity to not only experience our “underwater classroom” but snorkeled to Ocean Atlas, the largest underwater sculpture in the world. 

Teachers and participants had an amazing time immersed in hands-on marine education. They experienced the lush biodiversity at our Sculpture Garden & Coral Nursery.

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Prime Minister Philip Davis, Min. Vaughn Miller, and Min. of State Zane Lightbourne with Eco-Schools Bahamas Workshop Participants, and the BREEF’s Executive Director, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert

Prime Minister the Hon. Philip E. Davis delivered the keynote address at BREEF’s Eco-Schools Bahamas annual Coordinators Workshop on Friday, October 6, 2023, at the New Providence Community Centre, under the theme, “Advancing Climate Resilience in The Bahamas.” Hon. Vaughn Miller, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, and Minister of State, Hon. Zane Lightbourne, also brought remarks at the event.

Over 40 educators and participants from Abaco, Eleuthera, Exuma, Grand Bahama, Long Island, and New Providence attended the workshop. The two-day workshop culminated on Saturday October 7, 2023, with a BREEF 30th Anniversary Snorkel at BREEF’s Coral Reef Sculpture Garden in Clifton Heritage Park.

The Prime Minister underscored the government’s dedication to advocating for compensation for The Bahamas and other Small Island Developing States, vulnerable to climate impacts from major carbon emitters in larger nations.

He noted that as The Bahamas celebrates 50 years of independence in 2023, BREEF is also celebrating 30 years of conservation, recognizing the impact that BREEF has had in the country throughout the years.

“BREEF’s comprehensive approach to protecting our environment – from offering policy recommendations to engaging in hands-on restoration work and collaborating with the international community – has proven invaluable to conservation efforts.

“I commend you for helping to preserve our natural environment for generations of Bahamians to come,” Davis said.

During his official opening remarks, Minister Miller expressed his hope that through the Eco-Schools programme, the next generation of environmental professionals would emerge to confront the challenges posed by climate change and loss of biodiversity.

“To the educators among us, thank you for leading the charge in 44 schools across our archipelago to engage with our young people in a meaningful way regarding our environment,” Miller said.

(L) BREEF’s Executive Director, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert gives certificate to Abaco’s St. Francis de Sales Eco-Schools coordinator, Samantha Johnson (R) at the BREEF Eco-Schools workshop.

Beth Hall, Eco-Schools Coordinator at St. Andrews International School, expressed her optimism, stating, “BREEF gives me hope in today’s world when you only hear bad news when it comes to the environment, and we sit right at sea level, and I want to give our children the best possible advice and up-to-date information on how to fight climate change.”

Thanking the BREEF team, Abaco’s Hope Town Primary School Coordinator Amanda Lightbourn said, “BREEF Eco-Schools Workshop did not disappoint! The workshops are always engaging and informative. It’s always a pleasure learning from the best. They help us acquire new knowledge in a supportive and informative environment, inspiring us to move forward and share it with our students and fellow teachers.”

Cheng Bee Selim-DeLa Pena, Eco-Schools Coordinator at the Bishop Michael Eldon School in Grand Bahama, described the annual workshop as a rejuvenating experience. She expressed, “The annual workshop is like a refuel for me. It allows me to ignite the spark, and the interest I have for the environment to encourage students in our school to become environmental stewards.”

Distinguished speakers included representatives from Waterkeepers Bahamas, The Bahamas Bureau of Standards & Quality, Bahamas Ecology Park Researcher, Drexel Gomez and the Youth Climate Ambassadors of The Bahamas Ashawnte Russell and Stephen Hunter.

(L-R) Minister of Environment, Vaughn Miller, Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis, BREEF’s Executive Director, Casuarina McKinney-Lambert, Waterkeepers Bahamas Executive Director Rashema Ingraham, Minister of State for the Environment Hon. Zane Lightbourne at the BREEF Eco-Schools workshop.

The second day of the educators workshop included an in-water snorkelling experience at the BREEF Coral Reef Sculpture Garden. This snorkel was also open to the public and all snorkelling spots where Participants were treated to a complimentary snorkelling tour of the vibrant BREEF Coral Reef Sculpture Garden and Nursery, an ecosystem teeming with a rich variety of underwater flora and fauna.

“My first experience with BREEF was as a student on a field trip, and there’s always an amazing difference when you teach the theory in class about coral and marine ecosystems and when you have the students go out and get an increased level of appreciation for it.” Queen’s College Science Teacher, Delreco Bonaby explained.

Students snorkel above the 60 ton Ocean Atlas, the largest underwater sculpture in the world 

First-time snorkelers shared their thoughts after touring the underwater sculpture garden.

“I had a great time! My BREEF instructor was really informative and I think what we learned today about coral reefs and marine ecosystems is general education that every Bahamian should have,” University of The Bahamas student, Yolanda Johnson said.

Another student from the Bahamians, Birds & Botany Club, Taneisha Davis said that this was also her first snorkel. “I was definitely nervous at first but with BREEF I felt safe and I felt like I enjoyed something that I wouldn’t normally consider doing in a safe and fun way,” Taneisha said.

 Bahamians, Birds & Botany Club participate in BREEF public snorkel

“Our vision at BREEF is for a nation where all people appreciate the value of our oceans and everyone takes action to protect them,” stated BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert during her opening remarks reflecting of BREEF’s 30th Anniversary and Its Eco-Schools Bahamas programme.

She continued, “Over the years, we’ve reached every school across the country, we’ve had teachers from every school participate in in-water training, and we have been working tirelessly to get our entire community involved in conservation.”

 BREEF Eco-Schools National Operator, Kevin Glinton, (left) gives presentation to teachers at workshop

Eco-Schools Bahamas is part of a global sustainable school programme active in over 79 countries. BREEF’s ESB network spreads over six islands with 19 government and 26 private schools. The workshop allows educators to network, share experiences, and gain valuable information to inspire students toward positive actions to adapt to and combat climate change through their respective programmes. BREEF has been running the Eco-Schools Bahamas programme since 2009.

The workshop was made possible through the generous support of the Primat Foundation, Builders Initiative, the Bloomberg Vibrant Oceans Initiative and Rolex Perpetual Planet Initiative. To learn more about BREEF’s Eco-Schools Bahamas Programme and its work in promoting the conservation of the Bahamian marine environment, please visit or email

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Bahamian Corals in Hot Water: Underwater Heat Wave Caused Coral Bleaching at BREEF Coral Reef Sculpture Garden

White patches of bleached coral visible on BREEF’s world-renowned Ocean Atlas sculpture

Record-breaking temperatures this summer have impacted many ecosystems across the globe. In The Bahamas increased ocean temperatures have caused a crisis for coral reefs because corals are very vulnerable to warming water. This marine heatwave is likely to have serious repercussions for The Bahamas as a low-lying archipelago dependent on the coral reefs for numerous ecosystem services. Coral reefs are home to numerous species of marine plants and animals, they play an important role sustaining fisheries and tourism, and coral reefs provide the first line of defence breaking wave energy from storms and hurricanes. 

Divers, tour operators, and fishers throughout the Bahamian archipelago have observed large areas of white corals, noticing that the usual vibrant yellow, green and orange hues of healthy coral reefs have been replaced by bright white bleached coral. Scientists have been documenting the progression of coral bleaching around The Bahamas and around the world. 

Ocean Atlas, the world’s largest underwater sculpture and now an iconic underwater feature visited by Bahamians and visitors from around the world every year, is also feeling the impacts of the elevated water temperatures and consequent stress to corals. BREEF created the Coral Reef Sculpture Garden in the waters off Western New Providence in 2014 as a beacon of hope for the ocean –  to draw attention to the threats faced by Bahamian coral reefs, and to inspire action for coral reef conservation. Since installing Ocean Atlas and the other sculptures, they have become encrusted in live corals and are now habitat for a great diversity of species of marine life. The sculpture garden is also BREEF’s underwater classroom and it is a well-loved site where thousands of Bahamian children have had a chance to learn about marine conservation, and oftentimes take part in their first ever snorkeling experience.

Bleached staghorn coral at BREEF Underwater Sculpture Garden in July 2023

“It’s shocking to see the severe coral bleaching taking place on reefs around the Bahamian archipelago. Many people have a personal connection to Ocean Atlas. Seeing this dramatic bleaching occurring at such an iconic site resonates with people, and will hopefully inspire much-needed action.” stated BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert.

Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues. These algae, known as zooxanthellae, provide corals with up to 90% of their nutrition through photosynthesis, and they are also responsible for giving the corals their colour. When coral is stressed by elevated water temperature, the algae is expelled from the coral tissue, leaving the coral colourless and starving. If the stress and subsequent bleaching persist for too long, the coral will die. If the stress is removed, for example by water temperatures dropping, there is a chance for it to regain its zooxanthellae and its colour, and recover.

There has already been evidence of some coral mortality at the BREEF Coral Reef Sculpture Garden, including some of the corals that BREEF is growing in the coral nursery and some of the corals that have been outplanted to adjacent reefs. Some of the corals have bleached and died. Others, particularly those where the coral fragments were sourced from shallower sites, are still healthy. 

Coral reefs, which consist of even more biodiversity than tropical rainforests, are incredibly important ecosystems. However, they have been facing numerous threats such as pollution, invasive species, coastal development, and overfishing and climate change that is causing coral bleaching. The Bahamas is home to 35% of all coral reefs in the wider Caribbean region. Despite covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, coral reefs support over 25% of all marine life. They provide valuable benefits like contributing to the development of medicines, offering protection from storms, and generating income through tourism and fisheries.

“Global climate action is absolutely essential to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere and warming the world.  Although The Bahamas produces only a small amount of the greenhouse gases that are changing the climate, we are feeling a disproportionate amount the negative impacts of climate change- from climate-fueled hurricanes to catastrophic bleaching of our reefs.” stated BREEF Executive Director Casuarina McKinney-Lambert. “The Bahamas has an opportunity to take a lead in the shift away from fossil fuels, and encourage other countries to do the same.”

A spiny lobster/crawfish on top of bleached coral. Coral reefs sustain commercially important fisheries and bleaching coral threatens entire ecosystems and valuable species. 
     Coral propagation unit at BREEF Sculpture Garden May 2023 (L) and July 2023 (R)
Fish swim around coral bleached from heat stress in August 2023
Stressed coral can develop bright neon colouring in response to extreme heat.
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