
Celebrating the Life of Mallory Raphael

Our Mermaid Mallory had a deep love of the ocean and a passion for sharing it with everyone she came into contact with. 

She was an integral member of the BREEF team. Her caring and love for both her coral “babies” and students was beautiful. 

Mallory Raphael was the Research and Environmental Education Officer at BREEF. Her work predominantly focused on the deployment and monitoring of the BREEF Sir Nicholas Nuttall Coral Reef Sculpture Garden and establishing the BREEF Staghorn Coral nursery. She mentored scholars in the Bahamas Environmental Steward Scholars (BESS) programme and trained them in coral restoration at the sculpture garden.

Mallory also represented BREEF while heading up the Bahamas production team for the film, Chasing Coral.

Her BREEF family will miss her greatly. 

Mallory standing proud in front of “Ocean Atlas” alongside Eugenie Nuttall, Willicey Tynes and Andret John.
Mallory and her students heading out to snorkel the coral reef.
Mallory diving at the BREEF Sir Nicholas Nuttall Coral Reef Sculpture Garden.
Mallory taking care of her coral “babies” at BREEF’s coral nursery.

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