
Youth in Action, Experiences from the Small Grants Programme.

BREEF’s Young Reporters for the Environment programme (YRE) and The Bahamas gains global recognition in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP publication highlighting youth led projects.

With SGP support, more than 60 students and youth were provided with opportunities to participate in field studies, national awareness competitions and photojournalism classes. The YRE programme allowed many students across the islands to go scuba diving and snorkeling to see coral reefs and experience the underwater marine environment for the first time. Through the programme, students were able to participate in national and international conferences, publish articles on marine issues in national newspapers and conduct interviews with local media. BREEF plans to expand these opportunities to more students on the outer islands and offer more frequent capacity building and training sessions.

“Through YRE’s extensive platform, my peers and I have definitely gained an acute awareness on protecting our ecosystems and the species in our native land. I have learnt so much from BREEF – from the significance of coral reefs to the ways I can help promote sustainability and conservation of our environment. These experiences opened new doors for me and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to participate in BREEF events.” – Kaitlyn Archer, Young Reporter for the Environment student. 

Kaitlyn Archer, St Anne’s School interview with ZNS about the importance of preserving and protecting coral reefs.

To learn more about BREEF’s YRE programme visit  

 @YREInt @YRE @gef #yre #breef242 #youthmatter242#oceanconservation #givenatureavoice  #FEE #YREInt #youngreporters #yrecompetition #communityactiondays

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